Well the Art Contest I set up for you peoples was a bust because none of you submitted anything, but I don't want this Blog to simply fall into obscurity and die.
As some of you have already seen, I've drawn a few of you by your usernames for fun, which can be seen here. I will probably continue to draw you peoples every now and then, adding you to the album. If any of you ever want to submit any art that is at least semi-Kong or The Garden related then simply post a link in the comments, I would love to see it as I am sure the rest of your fellow Gardeners would!
Also, I've been contemplating some sort of Xbox Live or Steam game night since several of us seem to have either or both, and it would be neat to all get together and play! For those that don't have either we could always setup game nights for multiplayer Kong games. I wanted to ask if any of you would be interested in this and what days might be best to try and play with one another? Also game suggestions would be good too if any of you have anything in mind.